INFOGRAPHICS: Nigerian Banks Advert Spend for JULY 2019

P+ Measurement Services, media intelligence and audit agency and MediaTrak, undertook the analysis to show, Nigerian Banking Industry Advertisement spend and placement in the month of July 2019.

The report shows that there was an increase of 163,762,442 in the total Nigerian Banking Industry media adverts spend in July compared to the month of June.

TV media adverts in the Banking industry for July saw an increase in media spend, compared to June with an increased spend of N123,541,668, while Radio media adverts in July also saw an increase in media spend, compared to June with an increased spend of N17,461,682, and the Print media adverts in the Banking industry for July saw an increase in media spend, compared to June with an increased spend of N22,759,092.

Sample Size: 21 Commercial Banks in Nigeria

Media Type: Television, Radio and Print Media




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